Simplify contest management with the use of Judgify’s built-in features and user-friendly designs for a great judging experience

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Simplify contest management with the use of Judgify’s built-in features and user-friendly designs for a great judging experience

Simplify contest management with the use of Judgify’s built-in features and user-friendly designs for a great judging experience

Judgify is a contest management software tool that helps simplify the process of running a contest. Judgify provides an easy to use interface and built-in features that help make the judging process a breeze.

It also offers advanced analytics to help you better understand your customers and run more successful contests. Judgify has been designed for both small businesses and large enterprises alike, with pricing Pro Packages starting at $500/month.

The built-in features and user-friendly designs to help make judging a more interactive experience:

Judgify is a simple-to-use cloud-based, mobile-ready award management system for automating multiple contests of any size and diverse nominations types. As a free event planning software for contests that offer free tickets, reap your automation benefits from free event management tools for a desired impact on your community.
Reach out to your audience from custom awards landing page, set your own submission rules, and allow judging or public voting from any place or device, and get comprehensive reports.

Plan out every aspect of your contest, including prize regulations, award categories, submission requirements, and payment methods. With Judgify, you can customize your awards entry forms, view and track all of your contestants, and filter your online submission form by multiple categories. You can also develop your own scoring algorithm and judging criteria for other categories and award types.

In just a few simple steps, you may be up and running with an online contest. You may elevate your events to an international level by using adjustable judging criteria and simple judge assignments. Allow for online judgement and public voting at any time and from any location.

The contest is simple to set up, with varied pricing for each entry or entry group and a long variety of entry parameters, including file uploads of up to 50mb and connections to external files. The system is connected with PayPal for fast payment and also supports offline/check submissions.

With Judgify, you can choose the right custom solution for event award organizers, judges, participants, HR managers and marketers based on the specific features of the target segment, event type, and size. It is designed to empower awards organizers in the world to setup awards and competitions with ease to transform the management of awards into simple, transparent, and credible processes.


Judgify is a contest management software that simplifies the process of running contests. It has a lot of features that help you judge and manage your contest in an efficient and easy way.

Judgify is designed with user-friendly designs and features to make judging and managing contests simpler for you. With Judgify, you can judge participants, rank entries, send personalized feedback to participants, and more!


Judgify is a beginning-to-end solution for online awards/contest/abstract management which supports modules for public voting, flexible entry submission & judging, as well as free events at no cost. So, if you are up for awards automation, get started with Judgify free of charge!

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