How to Promote Your New Online Product on a Limited Budget

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How to Promote Your New Online Product on a Limited Budget

The smartest products won’t bring much gain if no one knows they exist. When a company is about to break the news about the launch of a new product, building a strong marketing strategy is the core process which helps attract the attention of existing clients as well as reach out to a new audience.

Although introducing the new product to the world isn’t easy, it doesn’t mean you have to spend a fortune getting the work done. Let’s tap into the most cost-effective strategies for new product promotion.

Is it possible to promote a new product on a limited budget?

Of course, not every product launch is supported by a huge budget. What’s more, there are cases when solid financial support is wasted because of a weak marketing positioning. To maintain a balance between a budget profile and a marketing offer, one should make a few smart investments in technology and refer to digital channels to create a buzz. Therefore, with the right plan, product promotion isn’t a luxury, but the process that can be handled especially by shoestring marketers!

How to promote your new online product with the limited budget

To maximize your product promotion efforts, it is a good idea to walk several roads at once. Check out the most powerful ideas to promote a product with the limited budget:

How to promote your new online product

Content Marketing

Spreading good and catchy content about your new product before the launch is the right way to build understanding related to the product’s value offer, features, and functions. To utilize your content marketing effort in the best way, you can use these three steps for content-based product promotion:

  • Build excitement long before the launch. Start producing high-quality content about your new product early enough at least 9 months before the launch. The key is your content shouldn’t simply reflect on the marvelous assets of your product, but rather respond to the needs and pains of target buyers and encourage them to share their experiences.
  • Ask influencers for help. It shouldn’t be only your content. Leverage the power of influencers by asking for reviews of your new product. This will help establish trust and provide new perspectives for product description.
  • Go multi-channel. Diversity in content mediums will give you more chances for reaching a large target audience.

Email Marketing

Email marketing is one more way that helps develop a desire for your new product. Again, this should be an early-bird approach. Start sending email announcements about the product that fuel the curiosity of your clients, but don’t show all your cards! Email marketing as the way to promote your online product is the right choice for those who focus on engaging existing clients, instead of reaching out to new ones.

Social Media Marketing

To add some pre-launch virality to your marketing strategy, get a hold of a social media promotion. Here are some ideas to feed your creativity:

  • Set up a social media contest. This is one of the best buzz-creating strategies to promote your product online long before the launch. For instance, a catchy  Instagram contest can help you target random photo-lovers and encourage them share and generate contents for you to build recognition of the new product. Pinterest contests can be a winning option if your strategy involves posting a series of photos or images.
  • Post engaging teaser campaigns. To intrigue the audience, reveal one feature of your new product, the use of the product by a celebrity, or announce an upcoming expert speech.
  • Set a countdown. Make the audience count the days to your product launch by setting a countdown on social media along with some engaging photos, questions, and other interactive materials.

Local Marketing

If your product launch targets a community at a specific physical store or a local brand, you have to magnify the local marketing. Explore this market and focus on the local audience while developing your branded promotion. As an option, you can set up a photo contest asking the audience to make a photo in your store or the known areas that could somehow be associated with your product and, thus, promote the brand on the local level.

SEO Marketing

Successful marketers know that having their new product discovered online is possible only if SEO enters the game. If you start integrating your product launch efforts with the best SEO practices at the initial stages, you’ll surely get new clients knocking on your door. Here are the core SEO aspects you must consider while launching the new product website:

  • Optimize the website speed
  • Go for a SEO-friendly design and readable contents
  • Provide optimized names for all website products, subdomains, and subfolders
  • Structure all internal links

Network Marketing

Network marketing offers the best way to promote a new product in an almost ad-free environment. This strategy presupposes building an internal network of people who promote the product and execute sales.

To expand the network of “product launch marketers,” you can leverage contests that focus on building a word-of-mouth promotion. Let’s say you’re promoting the new software for video creation. As a way to expand the network of influencers, set up a “Share Expertise” contest in which people have to challenge their friends online to shoot a video with the help of the new software. This is the ideal low-cost option for post-launch product promotion.

The successful examples of product promotion


The New York-based shaving company, Harry’s, selling shaving equipment, became famous for earning 100,000 subscriptions before the launch of their e-commerce website. The tactic wasn’t rocket science, but it turned out to be a success. Harry’s encouraged people to share the website with friends in exchange for free products.

Thailand Launch of Google Chrome

The launch of Google Chrome in Thailand offers an outstanding example of a local marketing product launch strategy. To cater to the cultural values of buyers in Thailand, the company created an online visual storytelling campaign based on a local epic story. As a result, Chrome has fast become the no. 1 browser in Thailand.

Personal Chef Approach

The Personal Chef Approach provides an example of a simple online photo contest that eventually has brought much attention to the launch of the recipes on the site. All that you need to do is create a caption for the dish; the best one is posted along with the new recipe.

The abundance of ways to promote your product or service online demonstrate that successful product launches don’t require a huge budget.

If you’d like to leverage contest creation to promote your new product, get started with Judgify


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