Necessary Features of an Online Contest Judging Tool when Running an Online Contest

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Necessary Features of an Online Contest Judging Tool when Running an Online Contest

Necessary Features of an Online Contest Judging Tool when Running an Online Contest

Introduction: What is an Online Contest Judging Tool?

An online contest judging tool is a piece of software that is used to judge a contest or competition. These pieces of software are usually used by companies that want to run an online promotion but do not have the time and resources to organize it themselves.

The software can be used in many ways, depending on the requirements and needs of the company hosting the competition. The most common use case is when companies want to run a promotion with multiple stages, such as a voting round followed by a public vote round. In this case, the software can be set up so that only one person at a time can vote on each stage.


How an Online Judge Influences a Contest’s Outcome

Online judges are the people who judge the contest and decide on the winner. They are usually recruited from a pool of volunteers, or they are people who have signed up to be online judges.

Online judges can influence the outcome of a contest because they make up a large percentage of voters. The more votes that an online judge has, the more likely it is for them to win. It is also easier for an online judge to vote for themselves because they know what they like and what their preferences are in terms of design and content.


Understanding the Benefits of Using an Online Judge or Judging Tool

Judging online competitions is a fun and rewarding way to help other writers improve their writing skills. Writing contests are a great way for writers to hone their skills and improve their writing.

Online judging tools are powerful because they allow judges to provide feedback in an organized, professional manner. They also allow judges to provide constructive feedback that helps writers improve their craft. Online judging tools can also be used by teachers and professors as an educational tool for students.


The Pros and Cons of Using Online Judges or Companies to Judge Contests

Online judges are a relatively new phenomenon in the world of contests. They help businesses run contests by judging submissions and awarding prizes to contestants.

The pros of using online judges for your contest are:

  • They can help you save time and money by judging submissions for you.
  • They can help you get more participants in your contest.
  • You don’t have to find a judge in your area.
  • They can be used internationally.

The cons of using online judges for your contest are:

  • It might be hard to find people who have the same skillset as the person you are looking for, so they may not be able to judge it fairly or accurately.


Necessary Features of an Online Contest Judging Tool

When hosting an online contest, you may receive a large number of entries. Are you willing to judge all of the submitted entries? Is there a method for you to ensure that you’ve evaluated all entries? Do you understand all of the key aspects of an online contest judging tool, whether you or your contest vendor is handling the scoring? Here are a few things to think about while choosing one!

Multiple entries

Can the contest judging tool support more than one user concurrently? One of the requirements of an online contest judging tool is the use of unique logins to ensure that several judges can be logged in at the same time. This also guarantees that the people judging each entry are transparent.

Entry Locking

Is the online contest judging tool, like the one mentioned above, capable of locking entries while they are being scored or after they have been assessed? Depending on the judging criteria, you may only need one decision per entry. To prevent lost work, an effective tool will lock out entries that have been scored.

Custom Scoring

Is it possible to customize the score to meet the needs of your contest? Some judgments, for example, may be as basic as a 1–10 scale, whilst more rigor contests would have multiple categories that must be scored. Can each score be weighted differently depending on the category?


Most online contest judging systems allow you to rate the entries you’ve scored. If the tool you’re using requires you to calculate a final score, it’s time to upgrade!

Ability to Segment & Search

The capacity to segment and search entries is a crucial element of an online contest judging tool. This is especially significant if you’re running a global promotion and may receive entries in multiple languages. Another important function is search, which is useful if you need to review marked or specified entries.

Moderation Capabilities

Let’s face it: not all of the entries you receive for your online contest will be relevant or even eligible. Is it possible to mark or remove inappropriate entries from your online contest judging tool?


Is the software you’re using safe? Does it safeguard user data and information? To secure your business and your clients, whatever tool you use must have outstanding security.


Do you need an online contest judging tool?

Do you intend to hold an online contest? Do you need assistance setting judging criteria for a contest? What about contest moderating and judging advice? JUDGIFY specializes in online contests.

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