How to run your live judging event remotely and securely

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How to run your live judging event remotely and securely

How to run your live judging event remotely and securely

This year, we’ve all witnessed a massive shift in business: the office cubicle became a home office, and live physical events became virtual.

Companies are finding new ways to run their judging events remotely and securely. This is a great way for companies to expand their reach, recruit judges, and reduce the cost of their event. For example, a company can host an online judging event where they invite judges from around the world to submit entries. Judges can be given access to a secure website where they can review submissions and vote on them.

And, for many of us, the move has been full of lessons, revealing personally the hidden possibilities and prospects of doing business in a different way, and possibly laying the groundwork for a new way of doing things.

This is also true for award programs that feature live judging events. We’ve seen at JUDGIFY how easy it is to transition these physical events to virtual, especially when using an awards management software as a basis.


The Reasons Why You Should Consider Running a Live Online Judging Event

Running a live online judging event is a great way to get people involved in your organization. There are many reasons why you should consider running an event like this.

First, it is cost-effective. You can use the resources that you already have and save on the costs of other things like venue, food, and prizes. All you need is internet connectivity, which most people now have access to.

Second, it’s easy to do and can be done anytime and anywhere. All you need is a laptop or tablet with internet connectivity and a projector or screen for the audience to see what’s happening on your computer screen.

Third, it’s good for all age groups and demographics because they can participate from anywhere at any time of day or night.


How to Choose the Best Live Event Platform to Run Your Contest with Remote Judges

Live event platforms are a great way to run an online contest. They allow you to have remote judges, which means that you don’t have to worry about the logistics of having judges in person. This is especially helpful if you are running a large-scale contest with tens of thousands of entries.

There are a few things that you should consider when choosing the best live event platform for your contest:

  • The number of people who will be judging your entries
  • Whether or not there is an option for remote judging
  • How much control do the entrants have over their content?
  • How easy is it to get into the event?
  • The number of people who will be judging your entries: This includes both judges at the event and remote judges.

Depending on how many people you’re hoping to have complete your contest, you should decide if you would like live judging or remote judging. Even with a smaller number of entrants, live judging can be more exciting for participants and spectators.


Reasons Why You Should Host a Live Judging Event with Remote Judges

The idea of having a live judging event with remote judges is not new. However, it is becoming increasingly popular as more people are embracing the benefits of this type of event.

One advantage of hosting a live judging event with remote judges is the elimination of the need for travel. By holding the event online, judges can participate from anywhere in the world. This eliminates any potential issues that may arise due to travel or time zone differences.

What’s more, this type of judging event also allows for a larger pool of participants because it doesn’t require any physical attendance. As long as you have an internet connection and a webcam, then you can be part of the judging panel!


Conclusion: Why Should You Consider Using a Remote Judge for Your Next Event?

Remote judges are a great way to get feedback from people who are not in the same location as you. They are also a great way to get feedback from people who have different backgrounds and experience than your own.

The advantages of remote judges include:

  • They can provide feedback from anywhere in the world, which means that they can be more easily accessible than on-site judges.
  • Remote judges are often more honest and willing to provide constructive criticism.
  • Remote judge sessions can be scheduled at any time, which means that they don’t need to take up much of your time or resources when compared with on-site judging sessions.
  • Taking your judging event online has a plethora of unexpected benefits, ranging from saving time and money to making the experience more pleasant, time-efficient, and accessible to all program participants. Attract high-calibre judges and provide a pleasurable experience for all program participants, all in the name of helping you expand your brand and reputation in your sector.


Need help pivoting your judging event to virtual? Learn how we can help with our Live Virtual Judging service!

Judgify is a beginning-to-end solution for online awards/contest/abstract management which supports modules for public voting, flexible entry submission & judging, as well as free events at no cost. So, if you are up for awards automation, get started with Judgify free of charge!

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