How to Manage an Instagram Contest

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How to Manage an Instagram Contest

Event planners who use Instagram to organise their events should know what trends are out there and how to use Instagram contests in 2019. You can easily find out how to organise a contest on this platform with 400 million monthly active users and more than 80 million posts per day and how to manage an Instagram contest with the help of event management apps like Judgify.

About Instagram contests

Instagram contests are incredibly popular right now, and they are very effective for brand promotion. They are engaging and provide immediate results. Contests on Instagram are a good opportunity to build your brand awareness as well as boost sales. These contests will easily help you gain new subscribers, especially if you offer a good prize and prepare a high-quality photo. When people are continually stumbling upon your photo or hearing about your contest, they will soon begin to recognise you. It is also a good advertising tool when you don’t have a big budget.

First you will need to come up with new and creative approaches that will distinguish you from everyone else. That is why Instagram contest management is an important issue among the other event planning considerations. When beginning this task, you should first discover the latest Instagram contest trends.

Instagram contest trends for 2019

With the introduction of a gamification feature to the mechanics of the competitions, you can now manage a contest on Instagram more easily, and the effectiveness of these types of contests has increased significantly.

Competitive collaborations with one or two similar or related bloggers or accounts can work well since you can exchange audiences with them.

Try to make unique or even branded prizes or merchandise that cannot be found anywhere else, and award them to your chosen target audience with clearly stated rules. Remember that the prize often determines the participants of the contest, who will then exchange their emails for the chance to win your prize.

For example, in a contest where a professional make-up set will be offered that requires participants to first learn how to use it, make-up artists, stylists, etc., are more likely to take part in this type of contest. If this is your target audience, then the prize has been chosen correctly. At the same time, if the task is to attract more ordinary people, then it is necessary to select a prize that will be of interest to a large variety of people. Thus, the rules and the prize should both be well thought out.

There is also a general Instagram monetization tendency. This may allow for the usage of advertising in both Direct and IGTV, which can also be used to manage an Instagram contest and meet the main objectives you have set.

How to run an Instagram contest in 2019

To raise engagement and increase followers in 2019, try some modern approaches when running your contests on Instagram and other social media.

To learn how to do this, feel free to read the article on How to Run a Contest That Grows Your Email List on our blog, or discover some ideas on How to Boost the Contest  if you organise it via some other social media platforms apart from Instagram. Also find out where else to run contests online.

How to manage your Instagram contest

There are many companies that take part in various types of contests and offer services and products that meet international standards in a variety of fields every year. To keep up, they resort to helpful tools that optimise contest management. Good contest management software increases your chances for success and makes event planners’ tasks easier, saving more time that can be spent on post-event analysis and measurements.  

Here are some helpful Instagram contest examples and useful tools for ultimate contest success. You may use any platform for business owners, event organisers, and event marketers that helps with sales and business growth.


Heyo is a smart contest tool that caters to small businesses and agencies as well as consultants. Photo contests will be to create using this tool, and your results will shine.

heyo software


Gleam’s contest platform makes it easy to host an Instagram contest and is a contest management system with helpful features. They may boast an average of four actions per user in their competitions.



Wishpond’s app supports photo sharing and hashtag contests. Like Gleam, it allows you to choose the place where you want to run your contest.

contest rules


Just like Wishpond, Woobox will offer you a variety of hashtag photo sharing contests where you set up a specific hashtag that fans must use to enter the contest.

contest apps


judgify contests

How Judgify can help you


With Judgify, your contest management turns into a snap. Here, you will easily learn how to run an Instagram contest, how to manage it, how to invite judges, how to judge and measure results, what contest types are out there, the best contest ideas and trends, voting tool and more.

judgify contest

Check out some of the best contest examples you can create using Judgify:


Judgify is a beginning-to-end solution for online awards/contest/abstract management which supports modules for public voting, flexible entry submission & judging, as well as free events at no cost. So, if you are up for awards automation, get started with Judgify free of charge!

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