Get Publicity for Your Company From Award Events

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Get Publicity for Your Company From Award Events

Your company deserves publicity. If you want your business to grow, thrive, and make people happy, you should get discovered by your prospective clients first. By mastering efficient publicity strategies that help direct the attention of popular media to your company, you get a chance to expand your target audience and generate profits. Award events offer you a great way to make your business shine bright in public!

Publicity: Definition

Publicity is a form of public relationships that relate to shaping the positioning of a business in media. Although it’s often identified with advertising, publicity is more efficient, because it is cost-efficient and characterized by higher longevity.

Why is publicity important for your company?

Even if your business is based on a groundbreaking idea and seems to be the right match for large audiences, you’ll hardly see your company name turning into a buzzy word without publicity. Here are the key benefits of driving publicity for your company:

  • Longevity and trust. No paid ads can live such a long life as contents that showcase your business in media. Publicity for a company can be built with the help of an article about your business, an independent media review, an interview with a staff member or even a comment of a client. Publicity helps reach much deeper into the hearts of clients because, in contrast to paid ads, publicity materials provide an objective opinion about the quality of a product or service.
  • Name recognition. By creating hype around a business in the media, the name of your company becomes memorable. Thus, gaining publicity is a great strategy for making your business well recognized with prospective clients.
  • Competitive edge. Once your business name is on everyone’s tongue, you gain high positioning in your industry. Publicity gives you a capability to stand out and beat your competitors, without leaving them any chance for a win.
  • Partnerships. Sponsors like working with businesses, the names of which speak for themselves. Building publicity for a company is vital if you want your business to get discovered by potential partners and gain new capabilities for growth in future.
  • Sales boost. Of course, you want your business convert people into buyers. The expansion of publicity is your reliable tool for persuading people that your product/service is the best.

How to get publicity from award events?

If you’re looking for a reliable publicity-building instrument, you’re in the right place. While the majority of companies step on the traditional path and just pitch their business ideas to major media sources per emails, there is an event publicity strategy that can bear fruit for your company. With the help of an awards event, a business can increase its credibility in the eyes of potential customers and drive sales. Check out this guide on how to turn your company into an industry superstar by organizing an awards event:

#1. Define your business goals. Whether it’s an awareness increase, the new product launch, or just attracting attention to the benefits of your company, your business goals can give you an advice on how to organize an awards event that should inevitably bring publicity.

#2. Think of the concept. The endless ideas for award events vary from creative contests that encourage people to make a photo to the large industry awards that help businesses gain an official recognition. Choose the format that matches your business goals and think whether it could bring you publicity that you require.

#3. Find channels for publicity building. Event publicity tactics are critical when it comes to awarding events. Find the media sources or platforms, which could feature your awards event and step on the path of increasing publicity for your business. Pitch your idea and discuss the possibility of submitting the information about the results or announcement of your event with the local media.

#4. Create relevant contents. Event publicity isn’t only about someone writing about your business. You can also generate profits by creating high-quality contents yourself. Enlighten your awards event in a blog post, social media post, or a podcast, and wait for prospective clients to respond to it!

#5. Use your status. Whether you organize an award contest or participate in it, you gain the recognition that can be later used in negotiations with media. Highlight your experience and you can expect media platforms to make a choice in your favor!

Tools to get publicity

The world of digital offers you a range of tools that you can leverage to build top publicity for your business. Choose the strategy that resonates with your master plan:

  • Media outlets. One of the most effective strategies is getting discovered through media outlets. Online platforms like HARO offer a sure way to build publicity around a brand or a business. By submitting your contacts to the platform, you sign up for the regular notifications from reporters and journalists on the matter of publishing contents about you. This means that media outlets find the platforms that are eager to promote your business for you.

media outlets

  • Social media. There seems to be no promotion strategy left without social media. Savvy tools like Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter find people you want to reach and cater for the target industry generating virality for your company name.
  • Award events. This is the tool that makes a promotion campaign not only productive but also fun and engaging for prospective clients. Organize an awarding ceremony, make people talk about it, and voila: they end up talking about your company!

Tips to get publicity from award events

To maximize your chances for success, leverage these tips and generate top-notch publicity from your award events:

  • Add color to the story. If you manage to make your event concept unique and memorable, it will stay with your target audience forever. Create a juicy story for your award event and align it with a company or brand that you want to promote.
  • Brand it brightly. The name of your company should be discovered easily at the event. Make it the signature dish of your award ceremony and you’ll get undeniable results!
  • Invite smartly. Send invitations to the representatives of media that you target, as well as potential investors to give people a chance to spread the word about your outstanding business ideas.

Ready to set up an awarding campaign that makes your company a superstar? Get started with Judgify and automate your awards management process to reach top efficiency!

Judgify is a beginning-to-end solution for online awards/contest/abstract management which supports modules for public voting, flexible entry submission & judging, as well as free events at no cost. So, if you are up for awards automation, get started with Judgify free of charge!

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