corporate award

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Corporate Awards Ceremony Ideas

List of top corporate award ceremony themes
Rewarding the “above and beyond” members is a tradition that has kept many businesses and organisations on track. In fact, 53% of employees claim that the respect they receive for their skills and expertise is one of the key motivation drivers in their workplace. Recognition programs are the most efficient tools to help demonstrate this[...]
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Corporate Recognition Awards

Everyone loves a pat on the back. While this is an undeniable truth, running company recognition awards programs means much more than just saying, “Good job,” to your employees. In her article for HR Magazine, Kathryn Tyler makes a great statement about recognition programs as the tools for shaping desired behaviors: “In an ideal program,[...]
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Сorporate Award Ceremony Themes

List of top corporate award ceremony themes
There’s one fool-proof event entertainment idea that works for any audience: cocktails and finger foods! So why can’t you just add these magical ingredients to every other event and be done with your entertainment planning? Well, it might sound obvious, but people want a bit more than snacks.
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