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Finding the Best Judges for Your Awards Program: A Guide

Select the Best Judges for Your Awards Program
The success of any evaluation-based event – be it in business, arts, or academia – relies on bringing together a judging panel with appropriate expertise and authority. With Judgify’s versatile solutions, managing award events—regardless of type or scale—becomes a seamless process. This guide will help you find and select the best judges, ensuring a smooth[...]
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Anchoring Script for an Award Ceremony

Anchoring Script for Award Ceremony
A script for anchoring an award ceremony is a favorite format of event managers. An award ceremony is a very formal and official event. There is no room for empty chattering, no need for contests, and no place for untimely surprises or new discoveries. Here, logistics and the clarity of the script details play a[...]
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Awards Nomination Process

How to Organise a Nomination Process
To successfully manage the awards nomination process, you should be able to fit most of the organisational work into a limited timeline. When it comes to criteria management, nomination letters, and email blasting, losing some of the important details in the shuffle is easier than you think.
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Corporate Awards Ceremony Ideas

List of top corporate award ceremony themes
Rewarding the “above and beyond” members is a tradition that has kept many businesses and organisations on track. In fact, 53% of employees claim that the respect they receive for their skills and expertise is one of the key motivation drivers in their workplace. Recognition programs are the most efficient tools to help demonstrate this[...]
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Corporate Recognition Awards

Everyone loves a pat on the back. While this is an undeniable truth, running company recognition awards programs means much more than just saying, “Good job,” to your employees. In her article for HR Magazine, Kathryn Tyler makes a great statement about recognition programs as the tools for shaping desired behaviors: “In an ideal program,[...]
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The Top 5 tools That Boost User Engagement

TOP 5 tools to engage your users. Judgify blog
Engagement is one of the primary marketing values. Because engagement can mean so many different things, this statement is as clear as mud to many businesses and organisations. Worse, there are some events and business strategies that don’t employ any engagement tactics at all, because it’s assumed that engagement is something that happens naturally, without[...]
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The Top 3 Awards Management Software for Universities and Research Institutions

TOP 3 award management software for universities & research institutions
Academic progress and competition go hand in hand. Just think about it. We tap into rankings when we’re looking to choose the best college, work in teams or individually to outperform our classmates, and compete against thousands of other students to win a scholarship. This makes the culture of rivalry intrinsic to the modern education.
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The Role of Online Contest Management Systems in Digital Learning

322x244-1920x900Digital learning evolution
The shift to digital learning doesn’t happen overnight. Even with the abundance of responsive online courses and cloud-based learning tools, when it comes to self-paced education, there is still a great deal of resistance. For many tech-savvy learners, it’s very unclear why they should keep showing up for tests when it’s so easy to pass[...]
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Creative Ideas for Awards Ceremonies

Capture the new ideas for awards ceremonies
There are active event-goers, and then there are people who haven’t attended any events since their high school prom 10 years ago. Whatever group your event is catering to, your target audience most definitely knows what a great awards ceremony should look like, if for no other reason than because we all watch the Oscars.[...]
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