As contest management software built for flexibility and custom functionality, Judgify powers your experiences through a set of advanced contest management tools. Explore the power of a usability-centred contest management system for your events: set entry requirements, customise submission rules, integrate different payment methods and manage judges flexibly.

Awards event planning
Govern your contests flexibly

Judging management
Benefit from mobile-friendly judging modules
With easy-to-use tools for contest round management, scorecards set-up, and judge assignment, Judgify helps keep contest evaluation under control. To enable fair and impressive judging experiences, Judgify allows abstention for any number of entries, supports a public voting mode, and enables social media alignment.

Submissions management
Adjust, track, and optimise submissions from one place
The centralised Judgify submission dashboard is an easy-to-use instrument for the full management of entries. Based on the contest type, event configurations, and entrants’ requests, you can modify submission status. Additionally, you can filter out irrelevant entries and moderate payments to stick to the contest framework.

Advanced scoring and reporting
Use actionable event data to perform better
Flexible awards orders management and automated reporting help you view the full picture of your contest performance. With Judgify custom contest reports and real-time analytics, you not only get the tools for performance evaluation, but you can also jump in at any stage of your event to adjust submission or judging processes as well as manage winner selection.